Alard Palestine Agre-products
West Industrial Zone, Beit Iba
Nablus, Palestine
Olive Oil
In Palestine, spring is marked by the beautiful poppies, irises and colorful wildflowers that bloom in the olive groves over the hills. During this time of year framers are busy pruning their trees, tilling the soil and checking for any problems with the olives. Our farmers still use traditional methods of weeding by hand and beating the branches of the olive trees to help them become more productive. These hills and terraces that are covered in olive trees come alive in October when the harvest begins. During the harvest, farmers and their entire families come out to pick the olives working from dawn until dusk. Families and communities bond together during the harvest. They eat meals together that have been cooked on a campfire under the olive trees much in the same manner Palestinian families have done for many generations. Nowadays, international volunteers help pick olives and often provide a protective presence for farmers that face violence and harassment from the occupation and settlers. Once the olives are collected, they are taken to a community press, where the oil is extracted and tested for its quality. It then comes to Al’Ard to be bottled and packaged and ready to ship to your doorstep.